
Friday, January 5, 2024

Now dedicated to transforming downed branches

Tiles, tiles, tiles....

See side panel on right to view many more.

King Tree

Thank you for the beautiful encounter 

This dawn I understand by looking at you 
that you have worked hard and long 

and that you have thrived for years and decades -

time I cannot feel as you do. 
Entropy patterned by living
Taking just what is needed and no more
Growing against & within time and environment
Work, how much work must be done 
to sustain such single magnificence
Of a king tree individual.
Do you ache and groan?  
Most assuredly all living things must ache and groan? 
Growth painful yet fruitful, 
Blessing alongside strife  
Horse and carriage kind of thing  

Tree King
Sky- backed chiaroscuro 

Sculpted from hard living wood

Winter silhouette leafless 

Branches show bone skeleton 

Against sky 

Designed in jazz measures

Sweeping the daily atmosphere 

with evident strength flexibility  

Authentic beauty

Stars and planets chase moons and crepuscule.  

Twilight enhances your aura of grandeur

Solid, growing, living king

Behold the beauty:

Intricate design.

Fractal flow.

Chaos entrapped and made full.

Black against white

White against black

Together entwined

In you: Teach me 

I am listening.

Finding comfort and satisfaction out my door

Outside watching  Dawn manifest light and renewal

Evenings watching Sunset from inside

The enormous small moments gather peace

Inside a way too busy mind

A way to busy world for me to make sense of

The moon

Sounds of The trees

The birds

The owls, coyotes

I find today

An Earth untangle-ably ensnared 

in its own filth

Complicated by

Piles of Absurd Priorities

And Nonsense

Dense with confusion

Miscommunication and 

Way too much unnecessary pain.

And still there is light

Unbounded Beauty 

In sky and Earth

And seasoned with human goodness

With unexpected joys and Meaningful moments

Love Laughter Music

Nature gloriously galore

*An electric fence around the yard would keep me from wondering off should I ever lose my mind.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

In Studio


Come in and take a look....all tiles on big discount 

Plan is to close up shop this winter....

Plenty of inventory

Photos of some bygone and some in my shop.

Ode To Trees

Talkin to these trees

Who's shadows stripe snow 

in winter blushes of blue

or summer sunlit patches glowing

Through shimmering green canopy

And jewel light rain. 

Trees bold, trees humble,

Tall integrity.

Sky embracing.

Flexible, swaying, 

Fully reaching,

Tautly enduring.

Tree vibes whisper

Knowing life’s worth living.

So much owed to trees.

Atmosphere for perfect breath.

 photo of winter tree night.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 2022 small tiles and house numbers

Wedding Gift of a canyon (for rock climbers) is a 12" diameter commemorative trivet for table...just add a vase of flowers or a pot of coq au vin.

This is what tiles look like after two days of two to three weeks of glazing and firing.

These were too difficult to repeat!!! Really a tough glaze job for me...must be a better way (like a mold!)

Small fruit.  I like the pear.

Didn’t I didn’t.       
Wouldn’t I won't

Couldn’t I couldn’t.     Doesn’t I won't

Knowin I shouldn’t.       Willing I aint

I’m wittling willing.         

Jack Knife.          Midnight wife

Raccoon coat.              Overalls

Boogaloo.               I’m not you

Shop view February2022

including small tiles and
house numbers

One studio shelf.   Small tiles

House Numbers    Sky Earth Sea

Sunday, December 12, 2021

House Numbers / Fireplace

 Please share site with friends or


Click to enlarge images.

Animals, Nudes, Flowers and Stars...

Tiles small and large 2” to 27”:

House numbers:

Fireplace Tiles:

Totems for gardens 

(and desktops):

Double trivets

For hot or not

For small pot or

large platter:




Cards w/ envelopes

$3 each:


$5 each:

Animals, Nudes, Flowers 

and Stars....

Mail in priority boxes at Flat Rate.

Shop is always open to visitors 

(these days with a mask please).

See Contact category on side panel

Prices are always negotiable 

(retail loosely calculated at 

@ $2 a square inch)

I seek paths

More than doors or windows.

Within each being 

Enough to make magnificant magic

Possibilities with capacity

Lighting one’s own way

Expressions of universe

Blossoms and bees

More than we dreamed of

(Nightmares aside)

A silly ape loose in paradise